The 2023 Dracula Congress is backed by a highly-qualified Scientific Committee.
Dr Magdalena Grabias, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Cultural Studies at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland.
Dr Florin Nechita, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Sociology and Communications at Transylvania University of Braşov.
Dr Enrique Palafox, Doctor in Modern Literature & a Creative Designer based in Mexico City; The Dracula Fun Club.
Dr Yuri Garcia, Professor at the Communication Post-graduate Program at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro in Brasil.
Hans Corneel de Roos, MA, Independent Researcher, Netherlands/Germany/Philippines, author of The Ultimate Dracula (2012) and Powers of Darkness (2017).
Prof. William Hughes, Professor of Literature in English at Bath Spa University and the University of Macau, China; former President of the International Gothic Association.
Dr Habil. Marius Crisan, Associate Professor at the Teacher Training Dept., West University of Timișoara, Romania.
Dr Laura Loguercio Cánepa, Professor at The State University of Campinas (Unicamp) in São Paulo, Brazil.
Dr Ewa Niestorowicz, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, Poland.
Dr Penny Goodman, Senior Lecturer in Roman History, University of Leeds, UK.
Dr Cristian Pralea, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Literature and Cultural Studies at Transylvania University of Braşov.