Children of the Night International Dracula Congress 2023

ADDRESS: The Congress will take place at: 

Room N I 16, N building (1 Politehnicii street), Transilvania University of Brasov.

and online via Zoom

COTN Programme 2023
COTN Programme 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 198.3 KB
Abstracts and Biogs 2023
Abstracts and Biogs 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 253.8 KB



All presentations will be broadcast live via Zoom


Braşov (in person) participants are marked in green




9.45-10.00 Welcoming speech from the Organising Committee members



Chair: Magdalena Grabias

10.00-10.45 Keynote: Cristian Pralea (Transilvania University of Braşov, Romania), The Face of Dracula Today

10.45-11.30 Keynote: Magdalena Grabias (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland), I Like Bats: The Nature of Polish Vampire Cinema


11.45 Guided walking tour of Brasov


Lunch break


Chair: Hans Corneel de Roos

14.00-14.30 Robert Gabriel Elekes (Transilvania University of Braşov, Romania), The Heritage of the Unreal

15.00-15.30 Bernardo Demaria Ignácio Brum  (State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Whom do we serve? Renfield (2023) as the modern day worker

15.30-16.30 Keynote: Hans Corneel de Roos (Independent Researcher, Philippines),

Early Vampire Illustrations


Coffee break 16.30-16.45


Chair: Yuri Garcia

16.45-17.15 Dax Stokes (North Central Texas College, USA), Wait! Dracula is really Judas?: A Survey of Christian Themes in Vampire Cinema and Television

17.15-17.45 Julia Silveira, Ellen Lima (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), At the bottom of both worlds: Hierarchy of speeches in Blade (1998)

17.45-18.30 Fernando Soto (Independent researcher, Canada), Excavating the Vampire’s Roots: Stoker’s Use of the Mythology and Folklore of the Mandrake in Dracula


Coffee break 18.30-18.45


Chair: Enrique A. Palafox 

18.45-19.15 David MacDowell Blue (Fierce Backbone Theatre Company, USA), Carmilla Through a Modern Lens

19.15-19.45 Tom Marcoux (Academy of Art University, Stanford University, Sofia University, California State University, Hacker Dojo in Silicon Valley, California, USA), Writing Dracula: From Intimidated to Inspired

19.45-20.45 Keynote: Enrique A. Palafox (The Dracula Fan Club, Mexico), The Book of Dracula: The Mina Harker Transcriptions by Professor Enrique A. Palafox


Dracula Film Festival events and Vampire drinks time!




Chair: Nina Trzaska

9.00-9.30 Yong Liu (Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei), Florin Nechita (Transilvania University of Braşov, Romania), Project-based learning at Dracula Digital: a Romanian and Bruneian Perspective

9.30-10.00 Nina Trzaska (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland), ‘Diachronic approach to Greek vampirism based on literary and non-literary sources’. An overview of the PhD dissertation

10.00-10.30 Adam Owsinski (Charles Darwin University, Australia), From the Page to the Mind: How the Sublime in Gothic Literature Influence Otherkin Identities

10.30-11.00 Phil Fitzsimmons (Avondale University, Australia), ‘There’s More to Dracula than the Blood and the Bite’: Towards a Grounded Theory of Vampiric ‘Materiality’


Coffee break 11.00-11.15


Chair: Florin Nechita

11.15-12.15 Keynote: Marius-Mircea Crişan (West University of Timișoara, Romania), Searching for Bloodsuckers within Transilvania University of Brașov: Alexandru Mușina and the Academic Vampire in Romanian Literature

12.15-12.45 Peadar O’Dea (Maynooth University, Ireland), Adam Owsinski (Charles Darwin University in Darwin, Australia), Disabilities and the Vampire

12.45-13.15 Peadar O'Dea (Maynooth University, Ireland), The Vampire, The Voivode and The Epistolary Novel: Locating Dracula in Bram Stoker’s The Lady of The Shroud (1909)

13.15-13.45 Bogdan-Alin Imbri, Marius-Mircea Crişan (West University of Timișoara, Romania), Doug Moench’s Batman & Dracula Trilogy. Succumbence and Redemption


Lunch Break 13.45-15.00


15-15.30 COTN Costume Contest


Chair: Magdalena Grabias

15.30-16.30 Keynote: William Hughes (University of Macau, China), A Pathology of the Un-Dead: Maladies of the Modern Vampire

16.30-17.30 Keynote: Mark Olly (Writer, Rresenter, Archaeologist, Visiting Lecturer at Wilmslow Guild/University Of Chester, UK) Vampires – Their History and Development

17.30-18.30 Keynote: Sean Rourke (The Vampire’s Castle, The Third Floor Visualisation Studio, USA), The Perilous Road from Idea to Finished Movie

18.30-19.00 Michael Torregrossa (Bristol Community College, USA) The Count and Camelot? Representations of Dracula in the Monstrous Matter of Britain


19.30 Dracula Film Festival closing ceremony

22.00 Reggae Halloween Party and Vampire drinks time!




Chair: Adam Owsinski

9.00-9.30 Hande Tekdemir (Independent Researcher, Turkey), Modernist Aesthetics of Bram Stoker's Dracula

9.30-10.00 Gabriela Hlușcu, Marius-Mircea Crişan (University of the West Timisoara, Romania), In the Shadow of Sound: The Role of Auditory Imagery in Bram Stoker’s novel Dracula

10.00.-10.30 Ildiko Limpar (Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Hungary), “The Blood is the Life”?: Vampirism and Religious Fanaticism in Midnight Mass

10.30-11.00 Chloe Hammond (Writer), Darkly Dazzling - vampire prose


Coffee break 11.00-11.30


Chair: Magdalena Grabias

11.30-12.30 Keynote: Gilles Menegaldo (University of Poitiers, France), Horror of Dracula (Terence Fisher, 1958) and the Rebirth of a Modern Myth

12.30 – 13.30 Keynote: Philippe Met (University of Pennsylvania, USA), Childhood and Vampirism


Lunch Break 13.30 – 14.15


Chair : Yuri Garcia 

14.15 – 14.45 Patricia Hradec (Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Brazil), Anne Rice’s Prince Lestat and his Blood Communion

14.45-15.15 Roberto Cavalcante Rodrigues (Federal University of Sao Paulo, Brazil), Eat me! Accounts of the Tupinambá anthropophagic ritual and the vampiric Wendigo in Ravenous (Antonia Bird, 1999).

15.15-15.45 Carlos Guilherme Vogel (State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), A Vampire Under the Sun: Vampirism in Brazilian Erotic Comedies of the 1970s

15.45-16.45 Keynote: Yuri Garcia (State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), The Biopolitical Vampire: What Hides Behind the Reflection of Our Monsters?


Coffee break 16.45-17.15


Chair: Roberto Cavalcante Rodrigues 

17.15-18.15 Keynote: Gareth Cox (Independent Researcher, UK), The Hammer Cycle of Dracula Films in Chronological Order 1958 to 1974. The Stories, the Directors, the Stars and Trivia

18.15-18.45 Brian Forrest  (Toothpickings, USA), Ermagerd! Der Vampir! 

18.45-19.15 Gustavo Alberto Garcia Vaca (California State University, USA) “Vampirus”, a Short Film

19.15-19.30 Closing remarks


Dracula Film Festival events and Vampire drinks time!




A trip to Bran Castle (start around 11.00)